Wow a monkey!

Life According to Ryleigh the Capuchin Monkey

   Public Sightings

 Whenever I go anywhere in public with my humans I hear 2 things the most. Sure, The wording varies but the content is basically the same- " I have always wanted a monkey, where can I get one?" Or " That is cruel to take that animal out of the wild!" You would think I would object to the second but it's actually the 1st comment I have the hardest time with.

The Journey with ME

       If you have ever wondered what it would be like having me living in your house or any of my other exotic family members you have come to the right place because I will be highlighting all the many adventures of me "Ryleigh the Capuchin monkey" and the many other exotics and domestic animals that consider this house their home. But first I need to address those two types of comments so we are all on the same page.

Not Wild

      The last comment although we don't hear this too much always weighs on my tiny little shoulders when I hear it. Let me start by saying my people (that's what I call the humans that I live with) and I totally agree that wild animals belong in the wild. So you may wonder why we are kept as family members in a home environment? Simply put my exotics friends and I haven't come from the wild for generations. All my animal friends have been born and raised in captivity including me. None of us would know what to do in the wild because every need we have is taken care of and there are no predators for us to be worried about. My people would never consider importing or taking any wild animal out of their natural habitat. In their opinion it's all about conservation. I have 2 brown lemurs friends JJ and Jasper that you will learn more about later. My mom is hoping they are going breed this year. They are on the threatened list with many laws in place to govern their protection. Lemurs are native only to the islands of Madagascar. Humans are the primary reason for their slow disappearance so it is the duty of the human race to help the species. My mom is a huge believer in keeping us around for generations to come. This being said I respect everyone's personal opinions and I'm not trying to persuade anyone. If you still disagree with my people's choice this isn't the right blog for you. If you are still on board let's discuss the more common reaction we get when strangers see me.

Who wouldn't want ME? 

  I understand people's fascination with monkeys. I mean after all my mom is obsessed with me. Can you blame her?  I'm adorable! However 99.9% of the people that say they always wanted one or ask where they can get one haven't really thought about what it would mean to own me for real. In order to own a monkey like me in Florida my people had to have 1000 hours of hands on experience with my species that must be done over the course of the year, recommendations from others that could explain their experience with all animals along with a vet recommendation and then they had to apply for a permit. There are also strict caging , food and enrichment guidelines but that's for another post. These restrictions are in place for good reason. I am going to live for a very long time. In fact I will be around for the next 45-50 years (only 25 years in the wild) and I'm pretty demanding too! I don't like to be left alone and you can't take me everywhere so you humans need to realize your social life is basically over if you want me to be a part of your family. Do you have a hard time finding a pet sitter for Fido? Try going on vacation when you have me!  It's almost impossible. Places think I might me destructive and don't want me on the visit. I can't help it if I want to look and touch everything around me. Sometimes those things end up on the floor or in my mouth. Sometimes I see things on the walls that just don't look right there. Maybe I want to pursue a career in interior design when I grow up. My humans won't leave me home with just any pet sitter either. It has to be someone that knows me and understands me. I can't talk so sometimes I use my mouth and body to express myself. Most people don't understand my body language. I also miss my people and will try to find them so they worry about me getting lost. I require a "Monkey proof" house to keep me safe which is similar to "child proofing" only from the ceiling to the floor. Unlike your toddler I can jump all the way to a ceiling fan which can end in disaster. Oh and speaking of the kids...I will like them now when I'm a baby but when I get older they don't seem to understand my body language and their small size and quick movements scare me. I most likely would end up getting rehomed if my family had small kids. Kids and monkeys just don't jive so I'm really glad only adults live at my house. I have heard my mom describe owning me is like having a permanent 2 year old on a constant supply of caffeine and sugar complete with daily sometimes hourly temper tantrums (mom says I'm high maintenance). It's not like I'm trying to be ornery or mean, it's just in my nature to be this way. I'm a monkey not a human!
 Bottom line - we aren't for most people so I'm here to educate and entertain you as we make this journey together of the good, the bad, the ugly and the cute with all my furry friends starring ME. 

This is where my many adventures begin!
Ryleigh the Capuchin Monkey

Wow a monkey!

Life According to Ryleigh the Capuchin Monkey     Public Sightings  Whenever I go anywhere in public with my humans I hear 2 things th...